How do I continue breastfeeding when I go back to in-person work?
Leaving your baby to return to work can be tough, regardless of how you feed your baby. The more time you can take off after your baby is born, the more time you will have to get breastfeeding established. Breastfeeding exclusively while you are at home establishes your milk supply and helps both of you learn your own style.
Here are some other tips that may help:
• Wait to introduce a bottle until you’re both nursing with confidence. Check with your La Leche League Leader for some gentle approaches.
• Discuss with your partner who will be responsible for shopping, cooking, changing diapers, and other jobs. What expectations does each of you have?
• Do as much as possible each night, such as preparing the diaper bag, laying out clothes, and talking over the next day’s game plan with your partner.
• Practice pumping or hand expressing your milk so you learn what works for you. Start by expressing after the first feeding in the morning when your supply is highest.
• Freeze the expressed milk to use for your first few days back at work (be sure to write the date you expressed it on the bag).
• You can start storing milk as soon as breastfeeding is going smoothly, but remember that you won’t need a freezer-full ahead of time. Each day’s pumping should provide enough milk for the next day’s time at daycare.
• Talk with other mothers about their experiences with returning to work while breastfeeding.

• Make the first week back at work a short one by returning late in the week.
• If you can, take the next Wednesday off. You’ll work no more than two days in a row for a week and a half!
• Plan to express your milk at least twice – maybe three times – while you’re at work.
• Talk with your employer about your needs and schedule. This will give you a chance to develop a workable plan for both of you. Mention that breastfeeding mothers take less time off from their jobs to care for a sick baby because their babies are healthier!
• Some mothers arrange to see their baby during lunch or at a break, so they can nurse instead of expressing milk during that part of the work day.
• Two-piece outfits make pumping or hand expression easier while at work.
• Wearing a jacket or sweater will hide evidence of leaking. Breast pads may help, particularly in the first weeks back at work.